Thursday, January 10, 2013


I woke up at four in the morning with my head spinning with ideas for the Africa Yoga Project. I simply love the work, the people, and the connections. 

Today we spent the morning at the Women's Prison. We cooked a meal and then Irene, Margaret and Anne taught a class. It was wonderful to reconnect with some of the women I met last year and meet new women.

At one point in the class I was partnered with a woman and Irene was giving directions in Swahili. I wasn't sure what Irene was saying and I just sat there and watched my partner, we made sweet eye contact and her smile lit up my heart. 

We ventured out to lunch and then headed to Susan's house. Jeff and I were a little sleep deprived so we ended up falling asleep on Susan's couch. Thanks for the cozy comfortable space Susan.

We ended our day with a visit to Fruitful. It was a beautiful class.  The students wandered in and moved through sun salutations and then played games, danced, sang, and ended class with a sweet svasana. 

 I am continually inspired by this experience. In our ambassador meeting this evening the question was what do you want to anchor yourself in from your day. I answered, "presence." I had the sweetest connection with my partner at the prison and without words we just sat and saw each other. I want that presence with everyone. Sitting and really seeing one another, being with one another, and slowing down time enough to connect. 

1 comment:

  1. So happy to see these pictures and share a tiny bit of your journey. Thank you. Much love. Tema
