Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Home again

We are back, back in Kenya. 
I commented to Jeff several times today how grateful we are to our community. We truly couldn't do this work without you. Your donations, sweet energy, blessings, and good will are with us on this journey.  We cannot wait to experience it all and come back and share what we've learned and how we've changed.  

It was amazing to have Irene, our rafiki, greet us at the airport with our driver Hassan. I cannot believe it has been a year since we've seen these folks. In some ways if feels like so long ago and in other ways it feels like yesterday. I guess that is the thing about coming back to a familiar place. While moving through customs this evening the customs agent said "Michelle Cassandra Johnson," and as I left he said you share the same name as the first lady. I was reminded of what a celebrity I am here just by being named Michelle and being a woman of color from the states.

We're sitting in cozy bunk beds now getting ready for rest. We have a big day tomorrow and I'll leave you with a sweet photo of one of my first embraces with Irene since arriving in Kenya. 

“Feel within, the pure and unconditional Love and embrace all.” 
-Grigoris Deoudis-